On April 14th 2019, Monday, Notre Dame’s roof lit up into a fireball. I clicked the Live Feed and all I saw was some French Jewish man discussing something at length that I didn’t really care about. Instead I scanned the articles for a cause, but instead found diffusion of responsibility. How is it that this Grand Cathedral has survived for this amount of time without suffering such a fire? Has something changed?
I browsed some comments on the usual forums and saw a lot of people complaining that a Muslim has have done this. At first I thought it was just tongue-in-cheek racist speculation. But I soon realized this was much more serious.
Next I learned that the 2nd largest church in France also had also caught on fire, just weeks before. Now that’s one hell of a coincidence. One might expect Facebook or Twitter’s reaction unanimously sad about this event, but instead these articles about the Church burning received laugh emoji’s from the Islamic community. At this point, what difference does it make who did it? France isn’t the country it used to be. The important point is that the country can no longer maintain its national monuments and history. The immigrants who have come to stake their claim (and soon overtake France’s native population) truly couldn’t care less, and many find satisfaction in the fire.
Wait…what the fuck?