The Matrix is a very abstract sci-fi movies yet very apt to the reality we endure today. The social commentary in the movie is significantly more rich than the vast majority would give it credit for and it’s harder to find a better allegory for the nature of the establishment we inhabit. Mainly replace the Kung-Fu Skills with knowledge and the fighting with debating and you will quickly see how this movie is not nearly as stupid as it seems on the surface (particularly if you ignore the sequels!)

Recall the scene with the “woman in the dress” and the point of the scene. Neo was being taught by Morpheus (along with the audience) that when you’re in the Matrix, nobody is on your side. Not just that, but the most alluring individual will be the one to ‘turn into an Agent and put the bullet in your head’.

If The Matrix was an allegory for the experience of a political dissident living in a highly authoritative and pro-establishment environment, then the woman in the red dress resembles our friend, the NPC. It’s not just her, but all the other people passing as well. So what’s special about the lady in the dress? The lady in the dress might really seem like a nice person – perhaps a friend you’d want to have.
The point of the scene is made once the lady is possessed by the Agent when Neo least suspects. The scene shows us very quickly and visually how despite others living in the Matrix might seem like they could be a very good friend, these people are ultimately NPC’s locked in a system. If they were to learn that you didn’t follow the rules of the system the same way as Neo did, they become possessed by the establishment (symbolized by Agent Smith).
The Establishment

Agent Smith represents the apex strength of the Matrix’s defense mechanisms. He embodies the entirety of the Matrix’s power used to destroy opposition within The Matrix (and outside of it, in the sequels). There are other agents but they are weaker manifestations of himself and in the sequels Agent Smith evolves to recognize it’s more useful to clone his own process than it is utilize the other weaker agents.
The scariest aspect about the agents is that they present a true sense of omnipotence. Within The Matrix, agents are everywhere and nowhere. Once a free mind enters the Matrix and is observed by an NPC to not follow the rules they follow, an agent will possess that NPC. One might wonder, “Why do the agents take over individuals within the Matrix to pursue Neo and his fellow free minds?”. It’s a very unique and abstract idea. As I mentioned it hints at a sense of godlike omnipotence. Within the realm of the Matrix, this opponent cannot be defeated nor escaped from.

Political Dissidents
Today the establishment in the USA & Western World are leftists and neoconservatives. They are influenced by globalist politicians, journalists, Hollywood, bankers and elite tech companies. They’re trapped in a mental matrix presented to them in the form of political correctness; a concept which has specific origins and specific goals. Through the constant conditioning presented on television, internet news, and social media; leftists have been tricked into believing that political correctness is the true form of morality. The ideal of being PC appeals strongly to atheists who might not share the traditional morals taught to the West by Christianity. To them, this feels like a way to rebel against the Christian beliefs of their parents and ancestors.
At the heart of the idea of “Political Correctness” is that speech which people don’t like is tantamount to violence. By claiming to be offended by something – you’ve essentially claimed to have been “attacked”. This boils down to the simple equation that whoever can claim the greatest victim-hood is allowed the most freedom of speech. It’s the unspoken equation of leftism and political correctness. Diversity and protecting perceived victims are the most important ideals of leftists. If you question any of these ideals or do not follow the rules of political correctness, you are breaking the rules of The Matrix. If you break the rules effectively enough – you will be systemically silenced from public discourse altogether and eliminated from “The Matrix”. Unless of course, you join the establishment.
Those who are aware of this aforementioned conditioning, as well as who’s pushing it – are the political dissidents of today. Our media system is nothing than a large control system meant to control how we perceive the world and to keep us in line. If you break out of line and try to draw attention to how the system is oppressing is; the establishment will possess the nearest leftist (which could be your roommate or lover) and put you back in line. Your closest friends and family if you don’t fall back in line with the rules of the establishment (our Matrix). Unless of course, you’re able to redpill them.
The One
In the Matrix, Neo was “The One” who as prophesized to free everyone from The Matrix. What would our Neo look like? Donald Trump perhaps? Or it is PewDiePie?

He has helped wake up people to the conditioning brought about by the media in a way nobody else has before. Unfortunately, Trump has never discussed the real (((elephant))) in the room, so we know he isn’t the one. That doesn’t mean we need to give up hope!
” I know you’re out there
I can feel you now
I know that you’re afraid… you’re afraid of us
You’re afraid of change
I don’t know the future
I didn’t come here to tell you how this is going to end
I came here to tell you how it’s going to begin
I’m going to hang up this phone, and then I’m going to show these people what you don’t want them to seeI’m going to show them a world without
youA world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries
A world where anything is possible. Where we go from there is a choice I leave to you. “